
Aug 31, 2010

Some Excellent Homework

Orion is a star constellation in the sky. Orion was a giant so tall he could walk through any sea with his head above water. The second largest star in Orion is called Betegeux. It marks the right shoulder and is a red super giant. It could contain the whole orbit of the Earth around the Sun.
Rigil is the brightest star in Orion. It is a blue and white super giant and in the leg of Orion. It is 57,000 times brighter than our Sun.
Orion is visible from October to March. Orion is inverted high in the north east. When finding Orion look for the belt and the Main Pointer.


  1. James, loved your writing about the cross country - seemed like I was right there as you crossed the finish line, puffed and happy. Wonderful language, well done.

  2. You know heaps about Orion!! Maybe you can show me where to find it in the night sky when we are in Hanmer in the holidays. Great writing - you have made your report about Orion really interesting to read. Well done!
