
Jul 31, 2012

Dear Room 6
I´ve been having a great time. Yes I've been to some of the most exciting places here like castles and boat trips. And I´ve discovered the H Potter series. Mum will try to ad some photos later. 
See you soon

Great to hear that you are having so much fun and nice to know that a comment on the blog reaches you all the way on the other side of the world.  We look forward to your photos and are very jealous.
Take care
Room 6


  1. Hi dear room 6
    louis mum here.I hear you finally got some snow in the hills.Yaayyy!As louis wrote we are having an amazing time thing that makes me most happy is to hear my children talk german and understand the swiss dialects.They are such talents!It´s the morning here and more important it´s summer....forcast for today is 34°.So swimming is a must.We will head either to the river Rhine or to the lake of Conztance for the day.Loading some photos for you to look at will have to wait until later.I´m sure you understand.Wishing you a fun day today.Susanne

  2. Dear Louis and Family,
    thanks for writing back to us and we can't wait to see the photos. What is the food like over there? Are there any new German words that you have learned? It sounds like you are having a great time in Germany. Have you been watching the Olympics? We now have 2 Bronze medals like Germany, but you also have 3 Gold and 8 Silver, so we guess that Germany wins.
    Look forward to seeing the photos
    Take care
    Room 6
