
Oct 18, 2012

Pea Project

We Planted pea seeds and put a stop motion camera over and are taking a photo every two and a half hours. Where going to water them every day to help the pea seeds grow.
How long will they take to grow?
How tall will they grow?
Is the temperature in e classroom correct?
Will they grow inside where there is no direct sunlight?
Will they even grow?
Maybe the electricity could effect the growth?
Will we see them grow with the camera?

It will take 10 photos a day... Is that enough, or should we take more?

...after a bit of a discussion we are changing to one photo an hour.

Posted by Georgie and Photos by Luca

Location:Back of the Classroom


  1. Hi!Room 6,
    We have a garden at our school and we are growing peas. A snail did eat the leaves but we found it and Noah squashed it. Now we have put woodchip around our seedlings so the snails can't get to the leaves. The woodchip will get stuck to the snail's tummy, We also had to put a stake next to the plants so the pea plant will grow up it.
    Good luck with you pea seeds. We think they will grow inside your classroom.
    From Room 4
    Hamilton East School

    1. We have just moved the table so that it is closer to the window and the sun shine. Also we have added a zucchini seedling so we have something to watch as we are waiting for the peas to surface.
      Mr Dyer

  2. I think the peas will grow. Let me know if they do
