
Nov 29, 2012

Heather Hunt at the Wanaka Library

Today we traveled to the Wanaka library to meet and listen to Graphic Designer and Illustrator Heather Hunt. She discussed with us the picture book that she has illustrated about the Kiwi. Then we learned about the ways that her community of Whangarei Heads have changed the way that they live and trapped pests to raise the level of kiwi living around their houses.

Here are some of our jottings...

Kiwi like to live in Pampus bushes. Casey
The male kiwi protects itself from predators by turning its back to him and kicking. Luca

The male kiwi sits on the egg for 80 days without food. Georgie
The mother kiwi eats a lot when the male is sitting on the egg. Ethan
In Whangarei heads there used to be only 80 kiwi, but through trapping of stoats there are now more than 500. Abby

After the female has laid both eggs the father sits on the egg and she goes away and eats lots. Emma
They have signs up to warn about kiwis crossing. Reuben

The Brown Kiwi population in New Zealand is 25,000. Red and Louis
The female's voice is louder than the males Ben

The kiwi dad puts its back to he predator and kicks with its big claws. Tana
Kiwi's cross the road when they need to. Casey

- Posted by a Student in Room 6

Location:Wanaka Library

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