
Mar 20, 2013

Play Ground Tag


  1. Gosh, Room 6 you really do go to school in a beautiful setting! How do you get any work done? I'd spend all my time looking out the window at the view!

    This video reminds me of a competition that is going on in Christchurch at the moment. It is called the Amazing Place and children from Preschool to Year 6 are designing an incredible playground to go right in the heart of Christchurch. It is going to fill an entire block! It will be huge! Christchurch kids are so excited!

    There is a group of Year 6s doing this competition so I wondered if you could answer this question.

    What is your favourite thing to do on a playground?

    Thanks, Room 6

    Mrs C-M,

    1. Hello there Mrs C-M and the Gang,
      I have challenged the class to answer this question by lunch... I wonder what will be the most popular part?
      Mr D

  2. The bars are my favourite thing to play on in the playground
