
Mar 4, 2013

Triathlon Training with Mark and Jude

We are so incredibly lucky to have the resource of BikeNZ High Performance Manager Mark Elliott (Manaia's Dad), who has just returned from the cycling world championships in Belarus, and Jude as our personal Triathlon organisers.
Today we focused on the transition area, how to set up our bike and helmet and the rules around the transition area like if you ride your bike in the transition area you will receive time penalty.
Here are some images and we are very excited about the real deal event on Thursday.

- Posted by Mr Dyer


  1. Hi Room 6, you are very lucky to have such a high profile coach in Manaia's Dad (Mark). You must all be very excited about the up and coming event. I look forward to seeing images and videos of the real thing. Great Authentic learning, in an environment not matched in the world. Good luck and "Get on with it...". (I also look forward to reading about it in all of your blogs. Sally H (PE Teacher NZ).

  2. Hi Room 6 - I'm going to show your blog to my 10 year old daughter, Catherine and 8 year old son Fintan as they did the weetbix tryathlon in Wellington. One thing to remember that I notice kids forgot at the weetbix try was to take your helmet off before starting your run. Plenty of kids forgot! Good in completing your triathlon. Siobhan

  3. You guys are so fast at putting your helmets on! I can't wait until Triathalon Day on Thursday to see you in action!

    Corin's dad
