
Mar 13, 2013

trip to the Library

Today, as part of book month we decided to take a trip to the newly renovated Hawea Library and to meet with Jane our favourite Librarian and to see all the things that have changed sine the building has been remodelled
With the help of some parents to transport the whole class went up, explored, read, checked out, had lunch and played in the playground then headed back to school for the end of lunchtime and Kapa Haka.
If there are any parents out there who's child does not have their own library card, they could take one of the applications that can be found in our class or in the office.

What are some of the other things we could do to cellebrate book week?
-posted by Lukey ;)

1 comment:

  1. Hello room 6

    A trip to the library sounds nice i love reading i hope you do to!

    From Charli
