Feb 29, 2012

Rolling a dice

We had a statement for maths that said ‘It is more likely to roll a Six on a dice than any other number’.
We first voted on if it was true or false and only Ben thought it was true.
Nest we rolled the dice 40 – 100 times each and recorded it on a Tally chart and graphed our information.
Next we used Excell to put all of our information together and we discovered that we had rolled the dice more tham 1,400 times. We put our information in a table, then turned the information into a Pie Chart and a Bar Graph.

We discovered that 6 was the most common number so Ben was right, but we think that there is really an equal chance of getting any number.
Our two new words were…
Frequency: the amount that something happens.
Data: information.
The data was the information we collected abut dice rolling and the frequency was the amount of times each number got rolled.

Feb 28, 2012

An Answer Garden about Gold to get our thinking started about our new Inquiry

Why was Gold important to Otago?... at AnswerGarden.ch.

Keeping Ourselves Safe: Constable Phil's Visit

Constable Vink came to talk to us about who to talk to if you need help. We recorded our ideas in a spider web with Family in the middle of the web, then school and then community on the outside.

The family group were people like Mum or Dad, friends and family. The school group included teachers, the principal and Leanne in the office. The community group was people like Doug, the Police and Liz and Dave at the shop.

The spider web shows us who to talk to when we need help, like an emergency, or when you need help with a problem that you cannot solve yourself.

He told that if one person does not listen we need to keep on telling other people in our web.

Constable Phil also allowed us to ask him questions about what he does every day as a police man. It was nice to know that he only uses his gun in training and has never had to use it for real.

Feb 24, 2012

Triathlon Training with Mark and Jude

Mark and Jude came today to give us some coaching for the triathlon next week. We focused on the transition area (the place where we park our bike) and also went for a short ride and a run.

Triathlon Points to Remember…

1. You have to set up you bike to face the correct way.

2. Keep your helmet with your bike so it doesn’t get kicked by others.

3. Mark out your bike space with your towel, so you know where to put your bike back after the run.

4. You must wear proper shoes… no – Crocs, jandals or bare feet.

5. Sensible clothing.

6. Do not touch you bike until your helmet is on.

7. Walk you bike in the transition area.

8. Set up your helmet with the straps facing out so easier and faster to clip on.

9. Have your tyres pumped up!

10. Only get on you bike once Jude says “Mount your bikeJ”.

11. Make sure you are off your bike in the area where mark says “Dismount your bike J”.

Feb 23, 2012

Art with the influence of Dick Frizzell

We have been looking at the Art of Dick Frizzell.

We have grouped these pieces of art into different groups depending on where we see similarities.

We have used Dick Frizzell’s concept of words in artworks with our Pastel landscapes. We chose words that we thought really described Hawea, Otago and Hawea Flat School.

Feb 20, 2012

Tennis with Perry from the Wanaka Tennis Club

With the addition of the new tennis courts we have added a valuable community resource to Hawea Flat School and the Hawea Community. They are getting well used in the weekends and after school and today was the first of 4 lessons from Wanaka tennis coach Perry.

The forehand was the learning out come today and it goes like this…

Starting Position

Star Position

Big Nose

It will be interesting to see what we learn next Monday J

Feb 17, 2012

A week of swimming

A solid week of swimming in preparation for next weeks Upper Clutha Swimming sports day on Wednesday.

A lot of Dodge Ball while waiting for lessons to begin.

Five things my teacher should know about me (Part 1)

Feb 16, 2012

Room 6 in the Wanaka Sun

While reading the local Wanaka Sun last night I was surprised with the stories on the front and back pages as they both were about two members of Room 6.

So I have included a pic of the story, link to the online version of the paper and once I see the two sporty stars tomorrow morning I will get them to explain why they were in the paper.

Feb 9, 2012

Feb 8, 2012



By Luca

I have a cat named Ditto, he is very thin and all ways sleeping in the day.

Every night Ditto is away hunting and in the morning there is a dead rabbit out the front door.

He is grey with black strips across him. He eats budget meat casserole and cat nuggets. When kids are over they wind him up so he gets all feisty and attacks us.



By Emily

Ginger is Emily’s Guinea pig. He likes to run, to hide and he likes eating inside by the sofa with Emily.

Ginger lives in hutch outside, with his brother Henry the 8th and Poppet his friend the rabbit.

He has twitchy whiskers, beady eyes and a nose that is always twitching. Ginger is the colour ginger and has funky fur that sticks up in Mohawks all over his body.



By Abby

Some people have a cat or a dog or a rabbit. Abby has a guinea pig, a guinea pig named Mouse, that lives in a large cage outside on the grass.

Mouse’s cage was a rectangle with wheels, there was an area to run around in and a ramp to go up and down, which he used to hide under. In the inside of the cage was scrunched up newspaper to snuggle up to in winter.

Mouse is a small brown guinea pig with red sensitive eyes that closed in the sun. He has small scaly feet with claws that gave him grip.

One time I put Mouse on the ground to get his carrot. He shot out of the towel and under the couch! It took ten minutes to get him out!

Nick Willis comes to our school

Nick Willis visited us at school today.

Nick Willis is an Olympic Athlete from New Zealand but he lives in America because that is where his coach and training partners live. He first went to America to attend Michigan University on a sports scholarship.

He went to the Olympics in Athens and Beijing and also he went to the Commonwealth Games. In Beijing he won a Bronze medal in the 1500m race. The 1500m is a medium distance race. He told us about New Zealand's long history of 1500m runners with Jack Lovelock, Peter Snell and John Walker (who had a mullet).

Before a race he needs to rest, stretch and not eat or drink to avoid the stitch. After a race he is wide awake and because most of his races are late at night he does not sleep untill very late after a race.

He eats cereal with yogurt and toast with bacon for breakfast because he gets to eat grains, protein and some fat (the bacon). For lunch he eats lots of fruit and vegetables and he said we needed to try and eat as many different colour fruits and vegetables as possible so you get all of the vitamins that you need.

It was really good to hear an athlete talk to us and we hope that he does well in the Olympics in London.