Jul 31, 2012

Dear Room 6
I´ve been having a great time. Yes I've been to some of the most exciting places here like castles and boat trips. And I´ve discovered the H Potter series. Mum will try to ad some photos later. 
See you soon

Great to hear that you are having so much fun and nice to know that a comment on the blog reaches you all the way on the other side of the world.  We look forward to your photos and are very jealous.
Take care
Room 6

Thank you New Zealand Herald for your amazing Infographics

Jul 27, 2012

Louis and MIcah

Hi there Louis and Micah,
If you are watching us from overseas let us know how you are and what you are up to.  We love to see some photos of what you are experiencing.
Take care
Room 6

Jul 24, 2012

A few questions about the movie competition

What are they looking for in the Film?
The categories are 'Music Video' or 'Film that tells a story'
That really means that you can make your film about anything - Documentary, Stop Motion, TV Add, a Story you have made up, sports movie or anything you mind can create.

How long should it be?
3 Minutes is the maximum length, but it can be shorter.  Sometimes a good 1 and a half minute movie is a lot better than forcing 3 minutes.

How do they judge it?
An industry professional will judge the final movies.

Are they looking for Lego movies or real action or anything?

Can you make it with a friend?
YES- But you will need to work out how to share the prize if you win.

When does it need to be handed in?
August the 20th to Mr Dyer

What do they judge it on?